Kamis, 23 Februari 2017

Taman Pintar Yogyakarta

Taman Pintar Park
Taman Pintar Yogyakarta is a new tourist ride for the children that Taman Pintar built as a vehicle for expression, creation, and appreciation in a fun atmosphere.
By educating and fun concept, Taman Pintar Park which was built in 2003 is to increase the interest of children and young people in science through imagination, appreciation, and ploy to develop quality human resources. Taman Pintar Park would like to realize one of the teachings of Ki Hajar Dewantara niteni: Given Niroake: Mimicry and nambahi: Develop. Taman Pintar Park zone area:
Play Ground
Reception area and games as well as a public space for visitors. The area provided several rides for children to play as the Tree, Pipe Storytelling, Parabola Whispering Corridor Water, Water Dance, My Beautiful Village, Singing Wall Colour Spectrum, Goyang Bridge, Pulley System, Seesaw, hopscotch, and the Sand Castle Stone Forum
Heritage Buildings
The zone area is intended for children aged early education (early childhood), which consists of children of pre-school age.
Oval Building
The zone of the area consists of the introduction of environmental and science exhibitions, exposure, history, science, and technology.
Box building comprising 3 floors, namely:
  • The first-floor complementary tool includes an exhibition space, an audio-visual room, a kid's radio Jogja, a restaurant, and a souvenir counter.
  • The second-floor zone and the application of science and technology base material consists of Indonesia, bridges science, advanced technology, popular technology, and libraries.
  • The third floor consists of Laboratory space science and Courses Animation classes.

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